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The following statement is the sole responsibility of the Webmaster.
On Tuesday,September 11, 2001, terrorists made an 'Attack On America'.
A quick prayer chain. Please pass this on to everyone.GOD BLESS AMERICA!!
Lets all say a prayer for the United States, the president and the military today. The hijacking of two Please pray that the government will find a way to keep us all safe, that the people whose lives this will All of this we ask in Jesus's name.
TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 11TH, 2001...THE UNITED STATES IS ATTACKED!!!!! "The Lord is my light and my salvation----whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my
My friends, as of an hour ago, a planned attack on the World Trade Center in New York and several targets It is at times like these, that the words I speak so often to you actually come to life. We live in a sin-filled and Please take a moment right now to pray. Again, pray for our nation's leaders, pray for the families who have lost In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller
This tragic act has placed a very strong need for blood.
If you are unable to donate blood, please consider making a donation through
atleast one of the following links.
American Red Cross
United Way
Salvation Army
Buy an American flag (3X5) to support relief efforts
Buy an American flag (30X50); 10% goes to the American Red Cross
September 11 Fund
Coping With Feelings
NY Firefighter's Fund
To Volunteer Services (New York):
FEMA World Trade Center Relief 1-800-801-8092
Also, here is a link to Flowgo.com you may be interested in what they have placed here.
GOD Bless!
Christina Rister (Webmaster)
planes with United States citizens and then the crash of those two planes into the world trade center, the plane
that crashed in Pennsylvania as well as the Plane that landed at the Pentigon and exploded leaving it burning
will leave many people without loved ones. It will leave the country in shock and it will leave the world
a state of devistation and fear.
touch will find a place of comfort with God and that the lives lost will not be for naught. Pray that those people have
found a place with God and give comfort to those left behind. Pray that those still alive can be saved and that the
doctors, emergency staff, military have God's hand apon
them as they do their work. Let's also pray for each other,
that we all find a way to reach out to loved ones whose lives will be forever changed.
of whom shall I be afraid? when evil me advance against me to devour my flesh, when my enemies and my foes
attack me, they will stumble and fall. Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break
out against me, even then will I be ent.
-------Psalm 27 1-3
in Washington DC took place. Thousands of innocent lives have been lost, and tens of thousands injured. This is a call
to prayer for our nation, for the families who have lost loved ones, for the healing of those injured, and for our nation's
leaders during this tragic time! Time will reveal who was responsible for this cowardly act. May they be brought to justice
and may Almighty God be merciful on their souls.
evil world. One day soon, God will raise His hand and the world as we know it will no longer exist. In the meantime, we
must take each day as the gift from God it is, and we must be serious about sharing the hope and love of Christ with
this lost and
dying world.
loved ones in this horrible tragedy, and pray for those injured. Also, thank God for this day He has given you, and ask
Him to show you how your life can be used to share His love and hope with others. These are the last days. It is no accident
last week I did a Devotional on the last days. It is no accident that we are currently promoting the new TBN film
Megiddo which deals with the end times. The time is short. May this be a wake-up call to each one of us to take our
responsibility as God's ambassadors to this world seriously.